Beer Line Cleaner
Beer Line Cleaner has been formulated for use in beer lines and soft drinks dispensing units specifically to remove yeast, protein, bacteria and residue build up.
Beer lines should be cleaned regularly to get rid of hop resins, yeast residue, sugar build-up, bacteria, proteins, mold, beer stone (calcium oxalate) and other deposits that can accumulate over time. Deposits can also create tiny nucleation sites that promote gushing and poor head retention. While nothing toxic can grow in beer, nobody wants to go to all the trouble of brewing the perfect pint only to have it tainted by dirty lines.
How often to clean depends on pour rate, beer composition, line length, and even line material (vinyl vs. barrier tubing). The more often you pour, the harder the water, the longer the line length, the softer the material, the more often the lines should be cleaned.